Find the first circular tour that visits all gas station or petrol bunks where there are N gas stations are there in a circle.
You are given two sets of data:
Input 1
Execution 1: 3
Input 2
You are given two sets of data:
1. The amount of gas/petrol that every petrol pump has.
2. Distance from that gas/petrol pump to the next petrol pump.
2. Distance from that gas/petrol pump to the next petrol pump.
Node node1 = new Node("1", 6, 4);
"1" is the gas station name.
6 is amount of gas can be filled at gas station "1"
4 is the distance from current gas station to next one.
Calculate the first point from where a truck will be able to complete the circle
Input 1
Node node1 = new Node("1", 6, 4); Node node2 = new Node("2", 3, 6); Node node3 = new Node("3", 7, 3);Output
Execution 1: 3
Input 2
Node node1 = new Node("1", 4, 6); Node node2 = new Node("2", 6, 5); Node node3 = new Node("3", 7, 3); Node node4 = new Node("4", 4, 5);
Execution 2: 2
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